Everything Woodwork- Andrew Keating
Andrew Keating
Below is a compilation of
"Random Acts of Kindness!"
My son Acelin and I came up with the notion to bring a splash of colour to an otherwise grey day, for a person we have never met. For no other reason but a random act of kindness, we dont need thanks for when were done and leaving were 10 foot tall. Ace so kindly gave his money to the cause and hence it began. We sent money to five special families who in turn bought five bunches of flowers and took them to the following:
Juniper Hillcrest Aged Home
40 Onslow Street
Geraldton WA 6530
08 9964 3108
Saint John
of God Villas
9 McCourt Street
Subiaco WA 6007
08 388 5222
The Quad Centre
10 Shelby Street
Shenton Park
WA 6008
08 381 0145
A special thanks to...
Random Acts
Of Kindness
-A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual or in some cases an animal. There will generally be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. ..."
I would like to acknowledge my grandmother Isabelle for the morals and integrity that she taught me which helped shape the man that I have become, and in honour of her memory I have tried to introduce these teachings into my everyday life and pass on this knowledge to other people.
The following are a few quotes that my grandmother taught me which I take great pride in:
A man never stands as tall as when he stoops to help a child"
A good dad is a good dad to all kids"
A good son respects his mother" and
Kindness, Generosity and Assistance to the elderly are mandatory."
And with these things in mind I came up with the idea for this page. I have not done this for any other reason but to try and change the outcome of someone’s day for the better and in the hope that one day someone will carry out a “Random Act of Kindness” and share in the wonderful feeling that I have had the pleasure of experiencing.
Benita & Acelin
Emily & Frank
Shannon, Milan & Rogan
Katrina, Craig, Jemma, Ben & Ryan
Our kindest regards & warmest wishes
Thanks for the Ambo's
Volunteers of the Saint Johns Ambulance
and employees in Newman were presented with a
$500.00 gift voucher for Retravision!
Flowers for the eldery- My boy Ace |
MAC Flowers for the eldery 2013 |
Em random acts of kindness_edited.jpeg |
Harley Davidson CotPERSONALIZED BABY COT: (Client was instructed to forward payment for this item to the Baby Ward at Princess Margaret Hospital)PERSONALIZED BABY COT: (Client was instructed to forward payment for this item to the Baby Ward at Princess Margaret Hospital) |
Visitors Centre FramesCOLLECTIVE ARRAY OF INNOVATIVE ART: Donated to the Newman Visitors Center for sale where all proceeds are to be donated to Local Charities of their choice. |
Side Tablle gift to visittors centerCOLLECTIVE ARRAY OF INNOVATIVE ART: Donated to the Newman Visitors Center for sale where all proceeds are to be donated to Local Charities of their choice. |
HOMEMADE VASEHomemade vase -Client was instructed to forward payment to Holyoake |
Lucys frameThis frame won 3rd prize at Fortescue Festival I have given it to Lucy, Lucy is a vet and has shown great kindness in what she does. I trust she can see it in herself. |
Wattle Hill
Nursing Home
2 Wattle Street
Bunbury WA 6230
08 9721 4100
Staff and Management
East Pilbara Independent Support
(total of 10 People)
Presented with lucheon in appreciation of all they do.
Newmans volenteer fire fighting crew recieved a $500 donation for the time and effort they put into the pilbra and its safety.
Support The Dying & See Living.
Helping give ongong Financial Support for a family who are dealing with the Sadness of Terminal Cancer.
Saint John of Gods
Donated hand made coffee table to raffle with all funds to
"Saint John of Gods Geraldton"
Merry Christamas 2014
I gave $200.00 each to 5 friends / family with the instruction to spend it on flowers and then to take them to specified places (listed on RHS adjacent) Then to give them to complete strangers who perhaps are in need of a splash of colour in thier life.